Spiderman VS Tommyinit ( MCU VS DreamSMP )
" And everything you thought you knew/W ill fall apart, but you'll be all right." - Oh hellos. Two extroverted emotional teenage protagonists who were once careless & hot-headed kids -who through a journey full of loss and growth - learnt the power of their actions and became more responsible and sensible heroes. Early in their journeys, they were both recruited and mentored by an older wiser guardian figure. (Tony Stark & Wilbur Soot) Due to the guardian figure's deteriorating mental state, both are inadvertently dragged into a war. (Civil War & all the L'manberg wars) Ultimately, their guardian figures sacrificed themselves and gave their lives to protect those that they love. This ultimately resulted in them becoming lost in grief and looking for a purpose. Due to impulsive selfish decisions, both of them lost people who were close to them. (Aunt May & Ghostbur ) At the end of their journeys, both have become wiser individuals with a heart ...